From Brain Energy to Good Energy

If you read Brain Energy, you probably wondered if the metabolic dysfunction Dr. Palmer describes might also cause other issues.

That’s what Dr. Casey Means’ and her brother, Calley Means’ new book, Good Energy: The Surprising Connection Between Metabolism and Limitless Health is all about (hopefully, you’re not too surprised - but please note, Good Energy is not about keto).

Preview: ‘What if depression, anxiety, infertility, insomnia, heart disease, erectile dysfunction, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s, dementia, cancer, and many other health conditions… have the same root cause? Our ability to prevent and reverse these conditions - and feel incredible today - is under our control and simpler than we think.’

Maybe you have FLC Syndrome: you Feel Like Crap, but your doctor and your labs say your health is ‘normal.’ Or you want to dial in your diet, but you’re confused about grains, fats, and cholesterol.

Casey covers it all in specific detail - which readers can digest, scan, or bookmark for future reference – providing a blueprint for thriving health.

Good Energy not only empowers readers to find limitless health it also enables us to change how we engage with medical practices. In Chapter 3, Trust Yourself, Not Your Doctor, Casey tells the unvarnished truth about how the healthcare industry came to be what it is today, followed by Chapter 4: Your Body Has the Answers. Thank goodness.

Good Energy is good news and good reading. 

Click on the book image to order your copy , and while you're here, send a message to USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack to stop supporting Big Ag, which contributes to so many of the ultraprocessed foods that wreck our health. 

Let me know when you start Good Energy and what you think, and then please share it with a friend or loved one.

Book club, anyone?


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Book Review: Brain Energy by Dr. Chris Palmer